
You can download my résumé in pdf format here.


  • B.S., Computer Science, San José State University, 2008

Programming Projects

 Airline Reservation System, Java
  • Worked on small development team of three members
  • Created and executed automated tests using JUnit plug-in for Eclipse
  • Read and implemented requirements and design documents provided by professor
  • Wrote product documentation for finished prototype
  • Implemented FlightSearch algorithm using modified version of Shortest Path First (SPF Algorithm)
  • Designed approximately 80% of windows and forms for entire system using Java Swing
 Ghost Word Game, ANSI C
  • Implemented a table of maps to store candidates, guaranteed wins, guaranteed losses, and keep-alives
  • Used a parity-check algorithm to determine the guaranteed wins, guaranteed loses, and keep-alives
 Shadows, Visual C++, OpenGL
  • Used shadow maps to cast shadows onto a non-flat terrain as well as onto other nearby objects
  • Added dynamic lighting and a moveable light-source to readjust the shadows in the scene
  • Implemented Perlin noise to generate a procedural terrain texture
  • Implemented Random Midpoint-Displacement algorithm to create a randomly generated terrain
 Cylindrical Billboarding, Visual C++, OpenGL
  • Used transparency, back-to-front rendering, and cylindrical billboarding to 2D TGA tree textures to mimic 3D appearance
  • Implemented Perlin noise to generate a procedural terrain texture
  • Implemented Random Midpoint-Displacement algorithm to create a randomly generated terrain


  • Proficient in Java, Eclipse, NetBeans, and UI Design. Experience with JUnit.
  • Proficient in C++, ANSI C, OpenGL, Microsoft Visual Studio, MFC, and GCC. Experience with DirectX 9.0c, .NET, and C#.
  • Proficient in XHTML and CSS. Experience with AJAX (JavaScript and XML), Apache, MySQL, PHP, and FLEX.
  • Experience with Scheme, Prolog, Intel-based Assembly Language (MASM), and Extreme Programming.

Spoken Languages

  • Native in speaking Japanese
  • Good at reading and writing Japanese